Time to Trial Comparisons

LegalMetric has identified over 1600 trials in patent cases and extracted time to trial information for each. This data has been distilled into reports comparing two or more districts in terms of number of trials and average time to trial.

LegalMetric's Time to Trial Reports compare the time to trial for any two or more districts you select for 4 periods: 1991 to 2010, 2000 to 2010, 2005 to 2010, and 2007 to 2010.

Time to Trial Sample Report

The number of trials and average time to trial, by year, are shown for all selected districts, and the cases in which the trials occurred are identified.

To order a Time to Trial Report, call us with the districts you want included or send us that information by email to sales@legalmetric.com

The price of these reports varies by number of districts requested:
  1. 2 districts - $140
  2. 3 districts - $185
  3. 4 districts - $230
  4. 5 districts - $275
(each additional district $45)

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